Great reminder brother.

"I stroke my neck to remind myself to be gentle.

To be soft.

To be kind.

To me."

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I love this poem!

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Love this. My favourite poet remains Rumi, his wisdom and words intertwined are a masterpiece.

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My favorite poets are Ada Limón and Mary Oliver!

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Trying to be gentle with myself this National poetry month. Not writing a poem a day, but in being a poet every day. This reflection is such a great reminder of why that matters to me.

Also you mostly listed my favorite poets—I’d include you in my list 🙏🏾

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The importance of that gentle approach!

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I love your poetry. I’ll try to come back later and share some other faves. ❤️

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Great interview!

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Lovely poem, Robert. Yes, we are meant to be in community and interdependent on each other. The "self-made" person is a myth. You don't have to do it alone.

I watched the Toni Morrison video you included, too. The way she responded to the interviewer's racist question about incorporating white lives into her writing. Wow. She miraculously maintained her composure while giving a clear and firm answer. Respect.

Thank you for sharing an important part of yourself with us. 🫶

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