Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert

It’s refreshing to here this passage in a way that isn’t meant to shame you or muster up rehearsed courage. We get to just be human with the lord

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Thank you for helping me see this passage through fresh eyes.

I have always heard this story told in a way that Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus. But as I read it anew, it doesn't say that he took his eyes off Jesus, it just says he saw the wind. Maybe he noticed the wind because Jesus' garments were being blown about or his hair. l think Jesus' comment "you of little faith, why did you doubt" was said in kindness. I don't think Peter doubted Jesus, he called out for Jesus to save him. I think Peter doubted himself. Maybe Jesus was saying, Peter, you had this, you were doing it, why did you doubt yourself when the wind picked up?

I get it. I am terrified of the water, so much so that I would have walked around the lake. Intellectually, I know my body is capable of swimming, and oddly, I can swim as long as I have a snorkel mask on & my feet can touch the bottom. But if I put my feet down & can't touch bottom, I immediately panic & sink like a stone.

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